Monday, February 9, 2009

Bandung "Paris Van Java"

Fig.1. Phsyographyy of West Java (after Van Bemelen, 1949) Fig.2. A-B Cross section

Van Bemmelen RW (1949) in his book "The Geology of India" which is a masterpiece book for the geology of Indonesia has discussed Bandung complete enough. The writings of Van Bemmelen also spread in the form of reports and investigations of these published articles in the publication "Bandung Vooruit Group " ( Bandung Forward Group), a group that introduced the Bandung area and its surroundings, especially nature tourism Bandung.
Bandung, in the physiographic division of Van Bemmelen (1949) is located on the volcanic line of West Java, which is a central depression Java intruded by the volcano cones since Quarter to Tertiary.
The volcanic arc known as Bandung Zone is wedged, in the north by The folded mountains Bogor Zone, which is Tertiary marine sediment basins in the uplifted,folded back arc basin